<?php get_post_mime_type( $ID ) ?>
$ID(整数)(可选)文章ID 默认值:”
返回的值(布尔型|字符) 返回mime类型,出错时则返回False。
$mime_type=get_post_mime_type( 36 );//假设id为36的文章是图片类型是“image/jpeg”
echo $mime_type;
get_post_mime_type() 位于wp-includes/post.php中。
* Retrieve the mime type of an attachment based on the ID.
* This function can be used with any post type, but it makes more sense with
* attachments.
* @since 2.0.0
* @param int $ID Optional. Post ID.
* @return bool|string False on failure or returns the mime type
function get_post_mime_type($ID = '') {
$post = & get_post($ID);
if ( is_object($post) )
return $post->post_mime_type;//就是返回post_mime_type字段的值
return false;